Hair Videos

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Flat Twists From the Bottom UP!
Wake kids call the neighbors cause you gotta tell ’em ’bout this flat-twist video. I’ve been wanting to learn how to flat twist from the bottom up. Thank you to Nonchalant for taking the time to create and post this wonderful tutorial.

Flat Twist Criss Cross Bun
This is my first time attempting a slide show tutorial. Hope it does a good job picturing and explaining how to create this variation of my favorite do. To stop the turning pages to view at your own pace, simply move your cursor onto the page and click on it to activate the Stop Page feature. Then after that you can continue moving the cursor on and off the picture to control how fast the page turns. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and enjoy!

Creating Manageable Curls. This is an iVillage video. I swear I’m always updating this link. If it’s ever broken just use Creating Manageable Curls as a search term and you should be able to find it. It’s a really good video and takes you through the entire process of creating finger coils, including the use of a diffuser (now y’all know I’d never advocate the use of heat on precious naps!) to dry the young lady’s hair. A necessary evil I suppose for demonstration purposes. After the hair is dry, she gently separates each coils to give it a fuller look, though truth be told the coils themselves are gorgeous and could be worn as is for a couple of days before being separated for a whole new style. My only complaint is that we don’t get a full-face view to see how she really looks in her new do…we only ever see the model from the side. Other than that, from an instructional perspective, I give it an A.

How To Do Flat Twists
This is now on YouTube. It’s a really good tutorial. Good job Lovelymissyoli! I’d rate this video an A.

Videos by Diego2Memphis
Twist and Clip
Learn to trim your hair without using a blow dryer, pressing comb or flat iron to straighten it first. The reason this isn’t necessary is that nappy hair styles are remarkably forgiving when it comes to uneven hair. This is one of many reasons to say thank you for shrinkage. This excellent short little clip demonstrates how to put your hair in two-strand twists to trim your hair. Although the lighting is a little poor, you can still catch the jest of what she’s doing. When you click on the link, the video will start to load and then stop. Simply press on the play button to begin the video.

Stretched Fro
Ok…so you aren’t ready to totally embrace your shrinkage. Learn how to work with your hair to maximize your length to show it off a little. Basically, she put’s her hair in large moist twists, let’s them dry over night and picks out the next day into a nice fluffy fro. She cautions to be more gentle when picking your hair out then she’s demonstrating in the video, and she’s right. If you pick your hair out like that all the time, you risk snapping your ends off…it’s giving yourself a continuous trim. Still, another great video. This one also has some illumination issues but again you can still see what she’s doing well enough to follow along. I’ll give this one a B+ for being so rough with her own hair.

Making a Puff
If you’re puff challenged, this is the video for you. It’s actually a slide show of still pics that she has set to music. Nice. I didn’t think I was until I watched it and darned if I didn’t pick up a few pointers. Watch this one and learn how to moisturize, brush your hair back and secure it in a way that protects you hairline while making the cutest puff ever. She even has tips on how to accessorize your puff. You go girl. I really liked this one. This one gets an A+.

Learn to Do Braid Extension (Grow Afro Hair Long)
This video shows techniques on preparing your own hair and they synthetic hair for braiding. However, as usual the braider is tells you to blow dry or straighten your hair prior to having it braided. WRONG! You absolutely do no have to put heat on your hair to stretch it prior to having it braided. Simply shampoo and put your hair in big plaits (box braids for you youngin’s) and let your hair dry overnight. When you take your hair down to get it braided, it will be sufficiently stretched enough for your stylist to work with. You can view this videos on the Internet or download it onto your computer. C+ for telling folks to put heat on their hair. In my book that’s an absolute no-no. Otherwise, it’s a pretty good video.

Taking Out Extensions (Grow Afro Hair Long)
This is a very short silent video that shows you how to gently handle your hair when removing braids, especially when you’ve had some buildup around their base. Very narrow focus and there are a whole lot more things to consider when you’re taking your hair down like, avoid cutting off your own hair when you snip off the excess hair. How to take down multiple braids at one time. Products to use to promote slippage….etc., etc., etc. Give it a B for at least capturing this one tiny part of the task of taking your braids down.

How To Do Three-strand Twists
Dispite the horrible lighting, this video will give you SOME idea of how to execute a three strand twists. Basically you need three strands (duh! right?!?)and then you twirl them clockwise or counter clockwise…won’t matter which…around each other resisting the urge to take a strand through the middle like you’d do a braid. The end result is a twist that looks more like a rope. Here’s a link to some pictures of the ones that I did: My Three-strand Twists. It’s also much tighter than a regular two-strand twist and it’s much thinner. So if you’re a thin-haired nappy you may NOT like the final result on you if regular twists look scalpy on you this may surely make it more pronounced.

Also, if you have very tightly coiled nappy hair, prone to massive shrinkage, this technique will appear to initially elongate your twists to show more length. However for me, my shrinkage eventually caught up to me and shrink away they did. Now in my opinion, three-strand twist really doesn’t look THAT much different than a two-strand twist. And so, I conclude that this is a lot more work to put into twists for honestly not a lot of visual difference. But on the other hand it makes for some awesome and well defined twistouts. So anyhoo, go ahead and take a look at this video. It’s fun to learn and even if your twists don’t look all that different, maybe you can end up with a killer twistout! Enjoy!

Hair Issues/Controversies

Natural hairstyles vs chemical relaxers 
Barbara Walters and Pulling Black Women’s Hair
Viewing Brandy
Hair Wars

Hair Stories

Pelo Negro
A little girl’s thought about her nappy hair

Celebrating Nappy Hair

Afro Rock

34 Responses to “Hair Videos”
  1. lovelymissyoli says:

    Hey Nappyme,

    For a minute there I thought you made a video too and then when I clicked on the link I saw my name…and then I thought my password was posted.

    Thank you for being so respectful!

    Since you’re already a pro a flat twisting I hope this video will help someone else!

  2. nappyme says:

    Hi lovelymissyoli,
    I have gotten requests for tutorials on doing flat twists. I don’t have a written one because trying to explain with words how to do them is just too hard. I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to come up with anything that I think would be helpful. So periodically I go a hunting for vids on the Internet hoping to run across one that I could link to. Your video was right on time.

    I saw your tutorial on NP before you password protected it. I like what I saw so I linked to it on my site. After you put a passord on it, and explained your apprehension to open access, it never occured to me to ask for your password or to publish it.

    That said, you did a great job, so I am quite sure that anyone who sees it will really get the help they need to learn how to make beautiful flat twists.

    Congrats and thank you for the wonderful video!

  3. jazitones says:

    Now you know I already started a thank you to lovelymissyoli for that awesome video. I’m glad to see that you’ve added her video to your site.

    Oh btw I’ve been flat twisting away. LOL!

  4. Pookeylou says:

    Girl! Your site is WONDERFUL!!!! Absolutely love it! If you dont mind, I would love to add your site to my web page of natural hair links. Let me know when you get a chance.

    Wonderful job!

  5. nappyme says:

    Hey Jazzi, yes, I saw your thank you thread. That was soooo nice of you. Hey, can’t wait to see your flat twists! Girl gone and make lovelymissyoli proud!

    And hey Miss Pookeylou…sentcha an email. Thanks for stopping by, and I’m glad you like my site. Yes, please, add Nappturology 101 to your web page under natural hair links. That would be great!

    It’s all about spreading the good word about naps right?

  6. dizzydazl says:

    Hi Nappyme! I was hoping to check out the “making a puff” tutorial but I didn’t see a link.
    Hopefully it’s still available. =]

  7. nappyme says:

    Yes. I was wondering if the way I linked these up would be confusing. Think I’m going to change that right now. Next time you check back…the link will be more obvious!

  8. Hey Nappyme,

    I finally had a chance to check out your page since you added the videos. Love the reviews (thanks for calling me out on the hair roughness – I’ll be more gentle next time!) I really like your site. I’ll be back from time to time.


  9. nappyme says:

    Hi D2M,
    Glad you finally made it over and glad you like what you see here. Look forward to having you check out the board some more and thanks so much for doing those videos. I’ve notice a lot of traffic going to your vids so people are definitely checking them out. They’re a Godsend!

  10. Akinyi says:

    Braid extensions: You’re right to disagree with the sugggestion to blow-dry your hair before braiding. However I would further discourage even “stretching” it with the box plaits over night. When you wash your hair with the extensions in it will curl further and some hair may curl out of the braided extensions making them look less neat. I would suggest instead leaving it as is post wash – I like to wash before braiding so you can buy some time before the next wash. But braid it at it’s naturally curliest, if you make it neat in this state it will look neater longer and would “curl out” of the braid. Another reason to braid “at your curliest” is that if you are braiding your hair yourself, you can’t see most of it, the difference in texture helps you see by feel and you will be less likely to mess up.

  11. nappyme says:

    I stand by my recommendation to stretch your hair in plaits so that your stylist has an easier time working with your hair. Too many women report that stylists insist on blow drying their naps because well, it’s too nappy. Stretching the hair in plaits gives them no reason to even suggest putting heat on your nappy hair.

    I wore braids for 3.5 years. I wasn’t even interested in stretching my naps for this reason per se. I wore micros for three months at a time. When they were ready to be redone, I took them down on Friday night. Shampooed and conditioned on Saturday. What else was I gonna do with my hair but put in in plaits so it could dry over night. As a result, I have NEVER had a braider tell me they wanted to blow dry my hair. They simply took each plait down and put micro braids in.

    I didn’t have problem with the hair curling out of the braid. It’s gonna eventually do that anyway. Actually, I liked how it look and didn’t at all look messy to me.

  12. Hey Nappyme,

    I just wanted to inform you that I moved my flat twist video to Youtube a few months ago so all you have to do to see the video is send me a private message either through Nappturality or my guestbook on Fotki and include your email address and I’ll send you the link through Youtube.

  13. NmHm, this is a wonderful site! How did miss this when I’m always in your fotki?! Have a wonderful day Queen and keep the naps looking fly!

  14. nappyme says:

    Hiya NNN!
    Thanks. Glad you found me and are enjoying my pics and my stories. Who’da thunk you could find so much to write about nappy hair!

    Keep coming back and enjoy!

  15. Chosen says:

    What does a braider do to stop or cut down on frizzy hair sticking out of hair that has been added. I don’t like the look. What to do, What to do???? I am at the point of frustration with my wonderfully thick, nappy hair.

  16. nappyme says:

    Hi Chosen,
    Welcome to NPP101.

    My braiders used to “clean” the braid. DON’T let them! That’s where they take scissors and go up and down the hair shaft to snip off any ends that were sticking out.

    At the time, I really didn’t care about my natural hair so I let them.

    Three years later, when I did start caring, I learned that frizz was inevitable and there’s really nothing you can do about it. I had some really good braiders and so to me the frizz in the braids just kinda added to the over all look. I liked it and honestly it never bothered me.

    Nappy hair is subject to major frizz, I’m really not sure WHAT you can do to avoid it.

    If you ask around and someone comes up with a better suggestion that ends up working for you please come back and let me know.

    I’ll make sure I pass it on.

    Good luck!

  17. Nikki518 says:


    I am a newbie. Jus learning how to be perm free. I have not had a perm in almost a year.

    Any advice that will help make get my hair healthier and get me on the right track to true natrual living.

    FYI – I currently either do braids or wear a wig (which is trully miserable). My hair is about 3 inches long in the back and a littel longer in the front.

  18. nappyme says:

    Hi Nikki!
    Welcome NPP101. Congratulations on being a nappy for almost a year. You’re on the right track just by being on this page and looking videos that can help you with styling and grooming techniques.

    No matter what, you’ll want to remember that moisture is absolutely your best friend. Learn to detangle it to minimize breakage. Go for non-sulfate shampoos. And no matter what, keep your precious nappy hair away from all forms of heat.

    You’ll find articles on NPP101 that go into detail about everything that I’ve mentioned above. Go to the sidebar on the right and read these articles:

    Hair Facts

    Ditch the Hair Grease; Is an Oil-free Routine Right for You?
    Top Tips for Nappy Hair
    Trauma to Hair Follicles: Why do some of us lose it?
    Moisture: Nappy Hair’s Best Friend
    Heat: Nappy Hair’s Worse Enemy
    Help: My Hair Isn’t Growing!

    After you do so, try to put into practice what makes sense for you.

    Good Luck!

  19. TONYA P says:


  20. LBellatrix says:

    Thanks for these! I love how I’m still learning new things about nappy hair all these years later.

    The iVillage one bothered me a little (less nappy = more professional? 10-20 minutes to do all those finger coils? *rolls eyes*) but at least they didn’t slap a weave or chemical on her. LovelyMissYoli’s video is truly lovely 🙂 and wow…I learned some new things from Diego2Memphis! (I didn’t look at the GAHL videos because I’m not into extensions.)

  21. SHAE says:

    i just recently cut all the perm off of my hair then i got it cut to make everything even so im all natural now. my hair is in a mini fro and i was wondering if the id be able to do my own coils being that my hair is shorter than the lady’s in the video?

  22. nappyme says:

    Shae welcome to NPP101! Sis I don’t know about that all you can do is try. If you do, come back and let me know how it turned out and congrats on being totally nappy.Bet you’re a cute as can be!

  23. rolanda says:

    Hi.. I stumbled across this sight and I luv it. I have permed hair, but I am in the process of going natural.I decided to go natural because my twelve year old daughter asked me to relax her hair. I told her that there is no way I would allow her to put those harsh chemicals in her hair. Her response was to ask me why do I have a relaxer if its so bad? My daughter was right so I decided no more relaxers for me!! I was twelve when I got my first relaxer . That was 23 yrs ago. I want to show my daughter that she can be beautiful with her natural kinky hair.

  24. Cynthia says:

    Hi Nappyme,

    I am wanting to make a site where I discuss my journey to natural hair land and whatnot. What kinds of things would be useful for fellow readers to use or read? By the way, I had my last relaxer in March, 2009 and BC’d 8/31/09 so I have had natural hair for over 2 months now and I love it. Thankfully, my boyfriend is appreciative to my hair as well. :0) Thanks for any advice.

  25. Andrea says:

    Did you happen to see this article about Six Flag’s employee hair policy? NEWS/Prince-Georges-County- News/story.htm?storyid=1271

  26. iya aswad says:

    I wanted to know how to do comb coil dredlocks techniques there are limited info online and the videos that are for sale are a little pricey!?

    • nappyme says:

      Hi Iya,
      I haven’t a clue since I’ve never, ever desired locs and have never taken the time to research them. You might try asking your question in’s Lock forum.

      Good luck!

    • nappyme says:

      Hi Iya,
      Since I’ve never had the desire to wear locs, I’ve never researched how to start them or take care of them. I’m thinking would be your best best. Join and post your question in the loc forum.

      Good luck!

  27. Samudy says:

    Thanks for posting. For those who want a flat twist tutorial, Curlyprof’s videos on youtube are good. I think she does a good job of explaining how to flat twist with two strands.

  28. jean says:

    hello! just saw your site and was happy to read so much however i saw very little that will help me take care of my hair.i have been natural for three yrs hair is 70% gray & 30% black,thin and about 4 to 6 inch stands.i am 58 so i know it is changing but can’t do anything with it.i want it to be healthy and grow! everybody says you should get it cut because when you get older shorter hair looks better.i don’t want short hair! i can’t find sites that deal with taking care of gray hair.i would like for it to be somewhat curly and not like a afro in the 60’s.i use shampoo for gray hair,pure shea butter & sometimes pure aloe vera gel to get a little bit of a curl but it is missing something.please help me.would like to see more gray hair natural sisters.thank you for your help.jean

  29. Hello, Neat post. There’s an issue with your website in web explorer, could check this? IE still is the market leader and a big section of other people will miss your excellent writing because of this problem.

    • nappyme says:

      I pull my blog up without a problem on any computer I go to. What problem are you having? I’m looking at this on a computer at the library right this moment and all looks fine to me.

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