D-Day at the Salon

The long awaited day finally arrived. My day at the salon.  Saturday, Feb. 20. And apparently, for the sake of my hair it couldn’t come soon enough.     Two nights earlier, I’d rinsed my hair and did something I rarely do; I did a blow out with a blower dryer and then flat ironed my hair.  … Continue reading

Well It’s confirmed…

Two inches of hair have got to go.  Now I was sad about that, but now I’m not. Screw it. My ends are so thin and whispy that they’re simply NOT worth holding on to. I could tell that last fall when I was wearing twists. I would get to a certain point and suddenly there … Continue reading

Impromptu Take Down Session

Last evening my scalp suddenly got the itchies all over really badly. Sometimes even feeling like it was on fire so that led to a very impromptu take down session. I can’t remember what time I started … maybe around 8 or so. Not even sure exactly what time I got it down. I think I looked at … Continue reading

Yes Nappy Me, Beyond BSL

Does indeed exist for you. And here’s proof! Now I was pretty melancholy about this last October when I wondered whether or not I could get my hair beyond BSL. That was just four short months ago and I vowed to not focus on length and just try to get through the winter months without a … Continue reading

It’s Time for the Works!

Well, I finally did it. I scheduled an appointment with my beautician to get my hair did. Sat. February, 20 is the big day. I’m getting THE WORKS! Shampoo, deep condition, and a protein treatment. I’m also getting my scalp scratched (the best part of the visit in my opinion) and a hair cut taboot. I’m excited but … Continue reading

Does this look like…

an old lady do to you? Alrighty then. I love my box braids, really I do. Compared to twists, they’re the ultimate low maintenance style. That’s why I ended up wearing micro extensions for almost four years because they were so incredibly convenient. Well, so are my 21 medium-sized box braids, and I’m tellin’ you…it don’t get much … Continue reading