Hair Facts

Let’s learn about hair! 
So you’re either nappy or you wanna be a nappy? But now you’re asking yourself, “What the heck do I know about taking care of or styling nappy hair? If you’re like I was at the beginning of my quest to free myself from chemicals, the answer is absolutely NOTHING! When I stopped relaxing, I wore micro-braids for three-and-a-half years without a break. Once I took the braids out for good, I had about 7-9 inches of dry, nappy hair that I didn’t know what to do with. Without the proper resources and a good support system, I, like other aspiring nappies was left to my own devices of trial and error…sometimes thinking it was just to hard to be a nappy. Unfortunately for some folks, the learning curve and the lack of support is just too overwhelming and the going back to a relaxer seems like the only solution. Well, it’s not. That’s why Nappturology is here; to help you learn about nappy hair, its structure, its likes, dislikes and ultimately dispel the misinformation, mythology, and straight up lies that persist about taking care of nappy hair. If you understand the basics of nappy hair science, you’re on the right path to understanding how to properly care for your hair. So let’s start learning.

Hair Structure
Did you know that everyone’s hair has the same structure no matter whose head it’s on? That’s right, all human hair consists of three main layers which include the cuticle, the cortex and the medulla.

The Cuticles
hair cuticlesThe outer layer of your hair is called the cuticle. Designed to protect the inner layers of your hair shaft, your cuticles can be likened to shingles on a roof. Cuticles that lay flat against the hair shaft do the best job of providing protection. Cuticles are often damaged by excessive mechanical manipulation such as brushing and/or using heat or chemical processing. Also every day elements, such as the sun or wind can cause wear and tear on your hair and damage your cuticles as well.

The Cortexcortex.JPG
The second layer of hair is called the cortex, which is made up of long proteins that twist like a curly telephone cord. This is also the part of your hair that’s most responsible for its overall strength, elasticity, and color. Try stretching a strand of your hair. If it’s in good condition, it will stretch. When you stop stretching it, your hair will return to its original length. Hair that’s dry and brittle does not hold good moisture content in its cortex. As a result, it will not be elastic enough to withstand the rigors of mechanical and chemical manipulation and will break very easily. 

When you get split ends, or damage in midshaft, you’re seeing your cortex at its worse. The protective cuticle has been worn away and is now exposing your cortex. Once your cortex is exposed, the hair is damaged beyond repair. Since hair isn’t living tissue, it doesn’t have the healing properties that your skin does, hence, it cannot regenerate itself. Damaged hair can be patched up at best using various products, however, it can never be fixed. Damaged hair will either break on its own, or in the case of split ends, trimming them is ultimately your only choice.

The Medulla
medula.JPGThe innermost or center portion of the hair shaft is called the medulla. It is composed of round cells, two to five rows across. Thick or coarse hair usually contains a medulla. Fine hair for the most part lacks a medulla, as does naturally blond hair. The purpose of the medulla has not yet been determined. 

The Shape of Hair
Hair science recognizes three categories of hair: African, Caucasoid and Asian.

African Hair
hair shapes of various racesOur nappy African hair is almost flat or ribbon like in shape, twisting, turning, bending and zig zagging as it grows. At every twist and turn, the hair tends to be thinner and therefore susceptible to breakage at each of these points along the hair shaft. Because of its shape, the cuticles on nappy hair tend to be raised, and do not lay flat against the hair shaft. As a result, nappy hair absorbs light and does not reflect it. Hence, nappy hair does not shine. Raised cuticles also act like opened doors, causing nappy hair to be very porous. It will suck up moisture like a sponge but will also have a hard time retaining it; hence, nappy hair is inherently dry. Raised cuticles also causes nappy hair to feel coarse to the touch, rub and catch easily on one another leading tangles, knots and even more susceptible to damage and breakage if it isn’t cared for properly.

Caucasoid hair
White folks’ hair is more oval in shape. The more oval the hair, the more likely it is to be wavy. The more round the hair, the more likely it is to be straight. The cuticles on caucasoid hair tend to lay flat, allowing the hair to retain moisture, reflect light and shine.

Asian Hair
The hair of Asians is almost perfectly round resulting in bone straight hair. The cuticles lay flat, reflects light, is very strong and holds moisture.

I’m not going to go into a lot more specifics of these other hair types, and the only reason I bring them up is so you can be aware of the differences between their hair and ours. It’s not better than nappy hair…it’s just different. Learning about these differences can help you make better choices when it comes to taking care of and styling your nappy hair without the expectations that you can make your hair do something that it’s not designed to do. If you’re going to be a happy nappy, the best thing you can do for yourself is to accept what your hair can do and what it cannot do based on its structure and characteristics.

55 Responses to “Hair Facts”
  1. Bernadette says:


  2. Kermit says:

    This is good information. I appreciate the simple explanation and accompanying pics.

  3. nappyme says:

    Hi Bernadette and Kermit! Welcome to Nappturology 101. I’m glad you both found the information both interesting and informative. Thanks for visiting and please come back soon!

  4. moshe says:

    is hair hollow?

  5. nappyme says:

    Hi Moshe,
    Welcome to Nappturology 101…
    If it doesn’t have a medula…that’s a darned good question. If or when I run across the answer to that one, I will certainly let you know!

  6. Barb says:

    I love your website. I just wanted you to know that I was watching TV one ( in Cleveland, Ohio)dedicated to showcasing AA. Title of Sunday’s show “Black Men Revealed”. The question came up about good hair and bad hair and all the men on the panel said yes there is a such thing as good hair and bad hair. Good hair of course needed litte maintenance and bad hair was nappy. I could not believe the brotha with the locks (down his back) said women can get their bad hair fixed by going to the salon to make it good. I was so mad I couldn’t believe in 2007 black people are so ignorant about our hair. I hope that you can see the show it comes on a Sunday at 10pm est. Thanks for letting me vent.
    I will continue to look for updates on your site.

  7. moe says:

    im mixed(canadian,jamaican)so my hair is realy curly,like a nappy kind of curl.i love wearing it down but its so short!ive been trying to grow it but i havn’t gottn very there like a fast way to grow my hair or am i like doing somthing wrong here?

  8. nappyme says:

    Hi Moe! Welcome to Nappturology 101. If you’re relatively healthy and your hair isn’t damaged and you’ve otherwise gotten the hang of taking care of your hair so that you’re not thwarting efforts to retain length, sounds like a bit of patience is in order. Just remember these two factors plus genetics, on average hair grows about 1/2 inch per month. For some a little slower and some a lot faster. But in general, most folks gain about 6 inches of length a year.

    But without know what your routine is, how you style it, the way you detangle and how you wear your hair, it’s impossible for me know what you’re doing wrong, if indeed you are doing anything wrong.

    Nappturology 101 is dedicated to providing folks with information about how to care for nappy hair. So my suggestion is to be proactive and make sure you read everything you can to help you understand what may or may not work for you. To get you started, make sure you read the following articles here on NPP101:

    Ditch the Hair Grease; Is an Oil-free Routine Right for You?
    Heat: Nappy Hair’s Worse Enemy
    Help: My Hair Isn’t Growing!
    Moisture: Nappy Hair’s Best Friend
    Top Tips for Nappy Hair
    Trauma to Hair Follicles: Why do some of us lose it?

    These articles are starting points. If you still need additional information, Check out the blog roll links on the right side of the page and they’ll take you to other sites that supplement your knowledge on how to take care of your hair.

    Moe thanks for stopping by and good luck on your hair journey! If you have any other questions, don’t be afraid to ask.

  9. Carmen Jordan says:

    When did blacks start referring to our hair as “nappy”? I’ve been wearing my hair natural for over 10 years.

    I tell people do not refer to my hair as “nappy” or “kinky”. I always thought the white people used these words to describe our hair?

    I prefer people to say my hair is curly?

  10. celeste says:

    Carmen Jordan, there is a difference between nappy/kinky hair and curly hair. Nappy or Kinky is a proper way to describe our hair. It is not derogatory or racist. Nappy and Kinky are both real words that simply means, wiry, tightly twisted, napped, knotted, or tightly curled. I’m sure we can see the difference in hair that’s curly(Traci Ellis Ross) and hair that is nappy (Grace Jones).

  11. nappyme says:

    Celeste, thanks for answering that question. I let that one slip through the cracks. Great explanation. 🙂

  12. suitelady95 says:

    i am new to this website and i was wondering if someone could tell me how i can determine my hair type. i have been everywhere and i can’t seem to find anything to explains how i can figure this out. i really feel that it will help in determining what hair care products to use.

  13. Sabena says:

    Hi there,
    I wasn’t really sure if I should be writing in or not because while I do have a hair question, my hair is not natural. My hair is permed but is quite healthy as I work hard to keep it that way. I would, however, like to try putting my hair in twists and wanted some advice on doing this…the last time that I had my hair relaxed was last week and I want to know how long I should wait (and if I need to) to get my hair done and what experienced people (hair dressers or customers) thought about a person with relaxed hair getting these twists. I’m getting married next year and have started letting my hair grow longer and I don’t want to do anything that could possibly break it. Help!

  14. nappyme says:

    Hi Sabena,
    I have no advice to give with regards to caring for or stying relaxed hair. You might find some help with this over on

    Take care,

  15. Rebecca says:

    HI! I am a stylist with caucasian hair and specialize in that type of hair. I was disappointed that in school they didn’t provide much training or information about “nappy” hair. What are your favorite websites where I can learn information about how to manage hair or techniques on how to style this type of beautiful hair! I am also new to blogging and found yur page under “cuticle” pictures and would be pleased to find out more to help others realize the beauty in all hair. I get to meet so many people and so many women don’t realize the beauty that they have in them. Comparisons to the latest fashion erodes their own self and I find this such a shame. We never take the time to really ask..”who decides what is beautiful?” Is it because of the media? Our Parents? Friends? I think the most important thing is people like you who show others that beauty exists when you appreciate what you have.Way to go!
    When a client sits in my chair I see something completely different than what they see. If I am armed with more information about how to help them see their hair as more beautiful than it already is then I can make a difference too!
    Thanks for being a great educator and a leader1

  16. nappyme says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    Welcome to NPP101!
    Well I’m glad you recognize the beauty of nappy hair. One word of caution, while some black folks don’t find the word “nappy” to be offensive, many, many, many of us still do. So on your quest to learn more about afro hair, be very cautious in your use of the word. And as you’re caucasion, folks might find it especially offensive coming from you. Instead, you might substitute with terms like kinky, tightly coiled or something along those lines.

    That said, see my favorites sites below:
    Behind the Naps (my message board)
    Hair Dressing
    MotownGirl .com
    Nappily Evah Aftah
    Naturally You Online Magazine eCommunity

    Take care and good luck!

  17. poppo says:

    hi, i am guyanese, koolie and my hair has a little nappyness to it but i want it to be thicker is there any cream or anything i can put on it to make it become more nappy?

  18. nappyme says:

    Hi Poppo,
    Not that I know of.

  19. Donita says:

    Hello to all. Just wanna express my gratitude and feelings of relief that a site such as this exist! I have been natural on and off for close to 8yrs and am just learning to embrace my hair. So glad I have a resource to come to now to take care of my hair. Thanks so much for the education!

  20. Willane says:

    Wow, I just found this site on my way out of the office. I can’t wait to get home and view further. Thanks Nappyme~

  21. Liz says:

    Hi 🙂

    I have a question abut hair structure. When I look at shed hairs straitened out, the strand is thick in some areas and thin in others like this ===_______=======___===

    Is this normal? BTW, i haven’t used any heat or chemicals on my hair. i have a twa.


  22. nappyme says:

    Hi Liz!
    Yes, our hair strands do indeed vary in thickness. It’s one of the characteristics that contribute to the overall texture and fragile nature of our hair.

    Great observation!
    Take care,

  23. Annette says:

    My hair is fairly nappy and its seems not to be growing for the past two years. I can identify with you because the back of my hair up to my ears has been thinning almost to the pt of baldness and I am getting really insecure about it. My hair is all different lengths too and I have to wear weave because my own hair barely ties into a pony.really want my hair to grow, can you give me any advice
    Can my hair grow and be healthy again?

    • nappyme says:

      Hi Annette,
      Sounds to me like you need to see a dermatologist to find out why your hair is thinning and balding. Nothing I could tell you would stop that, so please, make an appointment ASAP to find out what’s going on and then you’ll know whether it’s a condition that can be fixed/reveresed, or something you’re just going to have to live with.

      Good luck, take care and God bless,

  24. brother khaled says:

    can nappy hair be grown out long?

    • nappyme says:

      Yes. Check out this nappy sistah… .

      One thing to know is that hair grows…cause that’s what it does. The challenge is learning how to retain length…stop the ends from breaking off. Once that’s taken care of, it’s easy to have long hair. The challenge is when women don’t want to change their styles or care routines or haven’t figured out what products they need to use to promote length retention. Personally my hair right now is longer than it’s ever been…aproximately 15.5 inches. I keep cutting it though to get a specific shape. After I get it shaped the way I want bye-bye scissors and hello mega long hair!

      What makes you ask?

  25. hair hater says:

    my hair is short nappy and barely grows. And i want a cute hairstyle to go back 2 school with! please help!

  26. hardhair says:

    Hello, I did the BC jan 13th 2009 and now i have a very TWA. I’ve had relaxers since i was about 9 y/o and they were NEVER don professionally. When i started applying them myself i would just slap em on and go from there. My hair grows pretty fast but it is extremely hard to the touch. Will this eventually change?

  27. rai says:

    Hey!, I love your website, sometimes i just go through and read the comments, I learn that some of the issues I have, others do too. Very helpful answers too., I’ve been natural for almost two years now.

  28. yoly says:

    I think I missed the god parts. I mean this just makes our hair seem horrible. Like dry, jagged, knotted pieces of string. The information makes it seem like caucasions and asians don’t have hair problems. Well I’ve seen them on the streets and they do. Where’s all the possitives about our hair? I mean people are suprised when they feel my natural how and realize how soft the texture is (4a/b). People even like the super tiny spirals I have. Im just saying… these “facts” seem like downers to me.

  29. annette says:

    THANK YOU,,,,, I am so happy for all your info,,i am new to wearing my fro out. i have been wearing braids for 4 years and after movng to another state with more diversity i have seen the most exciting natural hair,that i am proud,finally to just work with what i got,,however,i am getting discouraged because i dont know how to take care of it,i have very thick hair that it takes me 20 minutes to comb it out with the biggest pick i can find,its lovely until it dries and then i have some sort of brillo pad in the back while the front looks nice and shiny.i want to just wash it and go.and again thank you so very much for helping

  30. Barb says:

    Thanks so much for educating me about our kinky hair. I’ve had relaxers for a long time, that just destroyed my nappy hair. However, I have been relaxer free for 6 mos. and my hair is kinky and beautiful. I rec so many compliments re my hair, since I’ve been relaxer free. Its longer than it has been in years. I just shampoo, deep condition and moisturize it bi-wkly. Thanks for keep it so REAL!

  31. Kinky says:

    I have questions: Is alright to part my hair in sections and plait instead twisting it nightly? Will I obtain the same effect with plaits? I’m using Carol’s Daughter products and I also bag it for deep condition. I forgot to mention that I do NOT use HEAT. Your hair is so beautiful and stylish. One day I hope to accomplish your length.

    • nappyme says:

      Hi Kinky,
      Welcome to NPP101. There’s nothing wrong with plaiting your hair nightly if you want to spend the time doing it. No you will not get the same effect at twists. When you take it down out of braids it will have a different pattern than twists will leave in your hair.

      Ya never know, give it a try and see what you get.

      Good luck,

  32. hey, im not sure what to do with my hair, its longer but i can’t tell if its growing, a girl keeps telling me i have split ends but when i look at my hair i can never tell if its split or if its just one of my hair strands, also im trying to grow my hair out so i can put it in the type of ponytail that rests on my neck, however the back of my hair is frizzy unless its wet could you give me some advice

    • nappyme says:

      Hi Hannibal,
      Welcome to NPP101. Pluck some strands where you suspect you may have split ends and check them out. If one strand has two or more ends, they’re split. You can also do a spot check of all your strands all over your head. If you suspect you have a massive number of split ends, then a trim may be in order because nothing repairs plist ends. if you have just a few, I wouldn’t worry about it.

      With regards to growth, most people’s hair grows six inches a year. Remember this is an average. Some experience faster growth…others slower than average growth. But remember, your hair is always growing…if it weren’t you’d be bald because hair also sheds. Eventually you’d shed all your hair and would be left with nothing else coming in. So get it out of your head that your hair isn’t growing.

      What’s going on is that you’re not retaining your length. To do that, you’ll need to change up your routine. If you’re natural, that most likely stop using heat, keep your hair moisturized, wear protective styles (e.g. twists, buns etc.) that don’t expose your ends, minimize manipulation, comb with a wide-toothed comb. Also, try not to dry comb your hair.

      This and there’s so much you can do to try and retain your length. Try joining some hair board communities to get more indepth advice. There are plenty out there.

      Take care and good luck,

  33. alex says:

    hi im latin and used to have really nice hair before i got a perm.

    now my hair is super nappy and i hate it.
    i was thinking about shaving off all my hair
    but would that bring my old nice hair back?

  34. weesee says:

    cool, i never realized different races have different hair structures interesting read indeed 😀

  35. Tonya Nero says:

    Thank you for the information about nappy hair. I cut of my relaxer last august and my natural hair has grown 3 inches already but lately i’ve been tempted to chemically treat it. You have motivated me to keep it natural… Thanks

  36. celeste says:

    I resently grew my hair nature, at first I wanted to wash my hair and go but now it has become harder. I have pressed and braided my hair. I always try to keep up with a fresh look. I wanted to have my hair twist but its to short. its about 3″ or so. I don’t blow dry my hair but from time to time I used a flat iron. I suffered from migrand headache, using wigs,extension and chemicals makes it worst. Being able to wash my hair at any given time is therapeutic for me. I don’t know what to do with my hair. It has become harder to maintain. people of my own race kept telling me do so thing with your hair. what can I do to help make my hair look healthy while maintaining its natural look .

  37. maryel says:

    I resently grew my hair natural. I wanted to just wash my hair and go. it has become harder to maintain. l would like to have my hair twist monthly but for now its too short. Its about 3″ or so. I don’t blow dry my hair but I have pressed and breaded my hair. I suffered from migraine headache, using chemicals, wigs and extension makes it worst. the people of my own race kept telling me to do something with my hair. what can I do for my hair to give it a healthy look while maintaining its natural kinky texture ?

  38. Cindy says:

    Hi and thanks for your website. I had the big chop in April of last year and I am a product junkie. In the past I wore alot of weave but decided to givve weave a break. Well, I am having a problem with my twist set being fuzzy free and when I air dry ….knots appear. I have spent well over $500 in hair products. I have type 4b and 4c hair. No products seem to like my hair. I refuse to go back to the relaxer but I need guidance. I have even made my hair products. My hair is thick but continues to shred when I do anything with it. Please help and I trim my hairr often but no luck…. Is natural really for everyone.????And I am in the business world which mades me try harder to at least have curly looking hair and not dry non curly…fuzzy hair. HELP!!

    • nappyme says:

      Natural hair is for anyone who wants to be natural. It’s your hair. God gave it to you so why WOULDN’T it be for you? That said, after reading your post, it makes me wonder if you have unrealistic expectations when it comes to your hair. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure what to tell you. If you have 4B hair you most likely don’t have hair that has curl definition. Four B hair may have strands that coil but the strands also have irregular patterns to it. Also, because of kinky structure of the hair strand, it’s naturally very dry, hense the reason we need moisturizers. This type of hair responds well to butters, water/glycerine based products and heavy creames, so it just depends on your preference.

      It also depends on how you wear your hair. Protective styles like twists, braids etc. will help it hold moisture better. Out styles, like twist outs, braid outs, fros and puffs will cause your hair to loose moisture more quickly and require more frequent applications of moisturizer.

      Out styles promote tangling, knots and breakage. Protective styles do a much better job of preventing tangles, knots and preserving your ends so that you can gain length.

      You also need to know that there’s a difference between oils, butters, grease and pomades and moisture. Water = moisture. Oils, butters, grease and pomades are used to lubricate and seal in moisture. Don’t confuse the two, it’s very important because your primary concern should be moisturizing and then sealing.

      Now, if you’ve spent $500 on products, my guess is that you’ve got something in your house that works well on your hair. But if you don’t understand your hair, you may as I said earlier, have unrealistic expectations.

      Not sure why you’re trimming so much. Trims should be left for getting rid of split ends. Cuts are reserved for maintaining your hair in a certain style or shape. Big chops are usually reserved to get rid of massive amounts of length that is severely and irreversably damaged. So getting back to your trims, you need to assess why you feel the need to do this so much cause it obviously isn’t helping your perceived fuzz/frizz problem. I say perceived because natural 4b hair is fuzzy, frizzy. That’s its nature. When you start trying too hard to tame it, you’re making it go against it’s nature and that can become very frustrating. You need to learn to work with it and if necessary redefine your perception of beauty. If hair devoid of frizz is your idea of what’s attractive and beautiful, then you’re going to continue to have issues with your hair.

      I suggest you join a hairboard where you can get a variety of input about how to care for and style your hair. My hairboard, is one such community and it caters specifically to women with type 4b hair. You can also visit member hair albums to get an idea of the types of styles that are possible and what they’ll look like on women who have 4b hair.

      I hope some of this helps. Stay positive and diligent and you’ll eventually get this all figured out.

      Take care and good luck,

      • Cindy says:

        Thanks so much! It is good to have support… My edges are thin so I have stayed away from braid sand twists for that reason. I do not want my edges pulled anymore.

        Good advice and i am now a fan of yours…. You have been very helpful!

  39. nappyme says:

    Cindy you’re so welcome. Perhaps we’ll see you on!

  40. Stephanie says:

    I have been natural since 2000 and yes I have some hair challenges. I was wondering why do my hair get dry and hard feeling after it dries. when it is wet it feels nice but once I let air dry with plaits and when I take my hair down it dry and hard feeling. It also breaks when I comb it not much. I am so fed with this natural hair I want to go back to perming it.

    • nappyme says:

      Hi Stephanie,
      Please read the section in this article about African Hair. That will answer your question about why it’s so dry. With regard to going back to a perm, that’s certainly your choice. But perms actually make your hair drier than it already is. Also, please note that our hair, more than any other type of hair craves moisture. So you need to be looking for and experimenting with moisture-based (WATER-BASED) products until you find something that works for you.

      Good luck!

  41. Mae says:

    Thanks for the detailed post! 😀

  42. brittney says:

    Is it ok to put grease in caucasian hair?

  43. Rciyah says:

    I was natural for 10 years of entering this world. From age 10-22 it was on and off with relaxers. Hair break, i grow it out then start again and it became a vicious cycle. But 1 day at 22 i decided enough was enough, these relaxers are breaking my long hair which i use to have and never reached that length again whilst relaxed. So i went natural for 7 LONG YEARS! But 7 years of no knowledge of what to do with my hair so hid behind weaves. My hair grew back but i was still clueless on styles and what to do,,soooo after 7 long years,, i relaxed AGAIN last summer in July.WORST MOVE EVER! THIS TIME I USED A MILD RELAXER AND I HAVE NEVER USED A MILD RELAXER BEFORE..Within 6 weeks, hair breaking!!? I THINK MY HAIR WAS IN SHOCK! lol, NEVER HAS MY HAIR BROKE THAT QUICKLY BEFORE. GIVE IT 6-8 MONTHS, OR THE LONGEST WAS A YEAR WITHOUT BREAKAGE,,BUT 6 WEEKS??!! AND I DID IT ALL, SATIN SCARF SEALING THE ENDS, D C, ETC ETC I DID ALL MY RESEARCH. Anyways, 6 months of transitioning i big chopped again the 1st week of january and my hair is back to how it looked when i was like 5 years of age. THICK FULL AND HEALTHY AND GROWING FAST.
    My question is, is it normal to grow different lengths of hair? My hair has always grown in layers. Top half always shorter than bottom half, or left side always grows fuller and slightly longer than right side. Its not terrible, but i am fussy. bottom half will always be half an inch to an inch longer than the rest of my hair..Can anyone else relate to this? I refuse to cut it as i use to before but still same old. I have cut it evenly and i now know starting from scratch that it wasn’t the weaves or the trims at the hairdressers, nor my fault, its just how my hair is. I guess i’m asking cos it would be reassuring to know i’m not the only 1.
    Many thanks

  44. kiatrice says:

    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    I’m considering locking my hair, and came across your site while
    Doing my research.

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  1. […] African hair absorbs light and does not reflect it. As it spirals during growth the hair gets more fragile and is prone to breakage. This type of hair has raised cuticles that absorb moisture but don’t retain it, so hair tends to be naturally dry. […]

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